Saturday, June 14, 2008

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Done with Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets a few nights ago, and started Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
What's notable with Chamber of Secrets?
I really like the idea of a diary that can write back to you: pour out your heart to it and it will console you, share a joke and it will laugh. Its like having a portable friend that you can put on your pocket.
The only problem that I see is that going back to your previous entries will be quite tedious since anything that you write on the diary will disappear but recorded in the diary's memory. I would like for a way to have the entries reappear, since there are times that I read entries from my diary just to refresh my memory on what I did on this or that date.
A house-elf is also something that I would want to have. It will be a good to have someone iron my clothes, do the laundry, cook my meals. Complaining? No I'm not. Its not a crime to daydream, is it?
A big part of CoS is a mystery that needs to be solved, who or what is petrifying the school children, why is Harry hearing a voice that others cannot hear, where is the Chamber of Secrets and who opened it?
A lot of things were introduced in the story that, at first, seem irrelevant and not interconnected. But in the end, all these things will be put together and the story will make sense.
Now a lot of people would probably have been able to solve some (or all) of the mystery, given the clues that were presented in the book. But I have to admit that I suck at solving mysteries. I was not able to make the connections among the things that were presented until the end.
But I find this as a great advantage to fully enjoy that book, as I was able to sustain the suspense and excitement until the end.
Well, I'm off to Azkaban. I'll be seeing you on my next post.

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