Monday, May 26, 2008

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

I've finished reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone last night.
I know, I know... I am a bit late in joining the fad (is Harry still a fad or history already?), the last HP book is out and everybody knows what happened to whom, who died, who married whom. But I am really not a fan (that could change, I liked what I have read so far).
Comparing J.K. Rowling to Stephen King, Robert Ludlum, Clive Barker, or even Anne Tyler, I've viewed the former as an amateur (talk about judging the book by its cover) and I kept wondering why millions are going crazy with Harry.
What's with Harry? He's just a kid in an amazing circumstance, surrounded by witches and wizards, three-headed dog, a dragon, trolls, giant, centaur, friends and a formidable enemy... wait... yes... that's the reason, right there 
Half way through the book, I've changed my mind about Ms. Rowling. She has a gift, she described scenes in such way that it will not strain your imagination but you will see, hear, smell and taste exactly what she wants you to see, hear, smell and taste.
You also get attached to the characters, you can relate to them because it feels like you know someone who acts like Hermione, or you have some of the traits of Harry or Ron. 
These things made HP and the Sorcerer's Stone so simple to read that even kids will enjoy it. Its addicting.
I will watched the first HP movie again, May and I bought a an original HP and the Sorcerer's Stone VCD, its still quite expensive when we bought it.
I've also started to read HP and the Chamber of Secrets.
Told you I will become a convert.
Late na ba?

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